Sustainability | Okina Co., Ltd.


Do What We Can

SDGs are the Sustainable Development Goals established at the United Nations Summit.
The SDGs stem from the fact that the sustainability of the earth, which is the foundation of the economy and society, is being threatened due to the rapid increase in human activity since the industrial revolution. In order to save the earth and for our future, the SDGs are all about facing the problems that surround us and working with an awareness of what each and every employee can and should do.

Okina agrees with these SDGs, promotes sustainable development, and strives to create a better future by choosing environmentally friendly containers and packaging materials while maintaining the quality we have built up over many years. We are working on product development aiming for a healthy economy.

Our Efforts

Reduce Usage of Virgin Plastic

  • Oral care products still use plastic containers from the viewpoint of maintaining quality, but some of the raw materials are possible to replace with the post-consumer recycled (PCR) or biomass-derived. We are taking on the challenge of reducing the amount of virgin plastic used by the biomass plastic bags that have been replaced with raw materials.
  • Applicable SDGs
  • Paper Materials

  • Palm Yashix® paper made from eco-friendly, non-wood palm cedar pulp, and inner boxes and cardboard that have acquired FSC, a responsible forest certification system, are used to reduce paper resources and We are working to be environmentally friendly.
  • Applicable SDGs
  • Waste Material Recycling

  • Aluminum, which is necessary for the structure of containers that maintain quality, is also a limited resource. The film after die-cutting is also collected by a special company and recycled. Paper resources such as cardboard boxes and cosmetic boxes are also collected and recycled.
  • Applicable SDGs
  • Energy Resource Consumption

  • Reducing energy consumption also makes a big contribution to the environment. By cooperating with related factories in neighboring areas and building a network up to commercialization, we can reduce the time, cost, and energy required for transportation.
  • Applicable SDGs
  • Diversity

  • We aim to create an organization that is not judged by gender, skin color, nationality, language, etc. We work with members from various regions such as China, Korea, Vietnam, and Nepal. We will contribute to the spread of diversity in local communities through borderless employment.
  • Applicable SDGs
  • Contribution to Local Education

  • With the understanding of everyone in the community, it is possible to operate a factory in a town. We provide educational support by accepting interns from overseas.
  • Applicable SDGs